Someone (was it Richard Harris?) said: “I don’t understand him. He could have his dick sucked by anybody on this planet.” Ain’t that something! Maybe it was too much for Rio. And when you at the same time have made a movie, that you know, you can never beat (“My Own Private Idaho”) - what is there left to strive for? Beating the cruelty of the world? Yeah, well, but you know too, that you never can win that one! Rest in peace, Rio, you did what you could.
River Jude Phoenix 23/8/1970 - 31/10/1993
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 1:51 am pro dead. Autopsie # 93-10011. Hudafskrabninger på højre hånd og skinneben, ingen stikmærker. Kokain, heroin, valium, marihuana.