In their free time River and Rain continued playing, and they performed at Hernando Fiesta, where a reviewer wrote a very good article about them. The Paramount Studios were informed of the children's successes and invited the Phoenixes to go there for an interview.
"I'd figured I'd play the guitar and sing with my sister and we would be on television the next day."--Rio declared.
Arlyn got a job at NBC-TV as a secretary. Here, she was able to see all the advertisements for TV commercials, and Rio used to go to the auditions with his father. By this time, Arlyn knew Iris Burton, a children's talent agent, and she signed Rio on.
"River was the most beautiful child you've ever seen, like a little Elvis."
Rio appeared in some commercials, but suddenly decided not to do them anymore because it was not what his parents supported. Iris was astonished by this.
In 1982, Rio was called by CBS for a new TV series called "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". River got the role of the youngest brother. He played with Richard Dean Anderson (McGyver).
All the Phoenix family moved to California to support Rio, but some problems appeared because of their vegan lifestyle. He had to wear leather boots, but his vegan beliefs frowned on the use of animal products in any form.
After 22 episodes the series was cancelled and the Phoenixes were without money again. Rio had to go with his father to all the auditions. His father began to rely more and more on alcohol to ease his own burdens. Rio, in the meanwhile, was feeling the pressure to find a role so that he could once again support the family.